There is a considerable amount of misinformation floating around about the impact of Act 46 on school choice, which I would like to address directly.
But first, I need to start with a point of clarification on terminology.
Folks in our area are very familiar with the concept of school choice, and know exactly what we are talking about when we speak of “school choice.”
It is a tradition that many of our communities have had for well over a century - the opportunity to choose what schools we want to send our children to for high school (and in some towns, elementary school), whether it be a public school (Green Mountain, Leland & Gray, etc.) or an independent school (Burr & Burton Academy, Long Trail School, etc.).
There has been considerable discussion over the past few weeks about how Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) should rebate $21 million owed to its customers. So what is all the fuss about? We should start with some history. Back in the 1990s, CVPS (Vermont's largest electric utility) entered into...
In a recent letter about the role of the Public Service Board (PSB), state Rep. Richard Marek, D-Newfane, states that, “the members of that board are appointed by the governor for six-year terms and, at the moment, all of them are appointees of our former governor.” I am unsure...