Gen Louise Mangiaratti

Marcus Tenney, who performs as Tennishu, calls jazz the “forefather of rap music.”

Rap and jazz collide with Tennishu at The Tower on Feb. 21

BRATTLEBORO-When Tennishu - stage name of rapper Marcus Tenney - plays in Brattleboro, the audiences remind him of his home city of Richmond, Virginia.

"You know, more small-town, more folks appreciate the craft," Tenney said. "It's not really about commercial performance; it's more so about being able to create a moment with what's around."...

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NAACP revives contest for youth art and writing

‘My BIPOC Hero’ competition encourages contributions from area students in grades 7–12

BRATTLEBORO-When Daniel Guerra taught at the middle and high schools in Brattleboro, some of the most creative, and possibly restless, students would sketch him as he stood before the class. "There were some that were pretty striking," he said. "Like, 'Whoa. You're really good.'" And of course, the school...

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