Auditi Guha

This mural in the entry hall at Bellows Falls Union High School was created in 2022 with the help of Afghanistan political refugee and artist Negina Azimi.

Federal funding ax hits refugees, resettlement efforts in Vt.

‘We remain hopeful because, while this is a stoppage of work, the order does say it will review these programs,’ said Sonali Samarasinghe, interim director of USCRI-Vermont

A Trump administration order on Jan. 27 halting funding that supports recent arrivals has left at least 59 Vermont refugees in limbo.

The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants in Vermont received the order at 5:40 p.m. that day, directing that it stop any and all work related to funding the reception and placement of refugees, including any new arrivals, officials from the nonprofit organization told VTDigger.

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