When I delivered my first inaugural address, I said that my administration would focus on one goal: making our economy work for every single Vermonter and making their lives more secure:
• Secure in their jobs.
During the tenure of every governor, there are numerous crises. Some are created by natural disasters when we all need to pull together to provide immediate relief from pain and heartbreak. After Tropical Storm Irene, Vermonters needed to feel relief quickly in order to know that a return from...
The true challenge that I hear day in and day out is this. At the same time that so many Vermonters need to make more money to make life work, and at the same time that so many families seek to bring their kids and loved ones back to...
It's been such a privilege to serve as Vermont's governor over the past year. Our partnership of community, courage, and common purpose that has empowered us through the unprecedented challenges dumped upon us by Mother Nature, combined with our willingness to make the tough choices necessary to grow jobs and economic opportunities for all Vermonters, has made us stronger. I want to recognize a few of the thousands of Vermonters who have made us so proud in the last year,