Deborah Wright

Tully can think outside the box

It is time someone stood up for the governor's choice as replacement representative to complete Matthew Trieber's term in the Windham-3 district.

Kelley Cota Tully is a bright, creatively thinking individual who is extremely responsive to her district. She knows and loves her community and works hard to do her homework on the current and future issues, while finding the time to speak with her constituents and contemplate the everyday hardships they deal with.

At this time in our state's history, we need more people like Kelley who can think out of the box to get us to where we need to be, with conviction, creativity, and grit.


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Where did the money go in Bellows Falls?

The Bellows Falls Village Annual Meeting Day is May 15 in the Bellows Falls Opera House at 7 p.m. Warned Articles 4 and 5 surely need taxpayers' attention. Something alarming has happened to the village annual budget in terms of the fund balance, and the now urgent need to...

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Small and close — and already overburdened

Is Bellows Falls the sort of town to shoulder four counties’ worth of offenders?

I write to express my utter dismay at the Letter of Support for Windham County Sheriff's application submitted to the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative Grant Program. Despite the lofty scope of this project as it seeks funding, it is a social experiment being forced upon the already overburdened...

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Why are we spraying toxins on a playground?

Why aren't all the decisions we make based upon the future needs of our grandchildren? To ensure their survival and well-being? At the most recent meeting of the Bellows Falls Village Trustees, a citizen stated that Monsanto's Roundup was used last year on the grounds surrounding the Bellows Falls Middle School. Roundup? Really? After all the scientific research available on this toxic product? A very insightful report from the journal Interdisciplinary Toxicology posted on Mother Earth News connects increased use...

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Where the blame belongs...

I found this poem the other day, in the History of the Town of Rockingham Vermont: 1907-1957. It still fits. §If you want to live in the kind of town, §Like the kind of a town that you'd like, §You needn't slip your clothes in a grip §And start on a long, long hike. §You'll only find what you left behind §For there's nothing that's really new, §It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town, §It isn't your...

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Let’s work together for Bellows Falls

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful residents of Bellows Falls who signed my petition and cast their ballot my way for Village Trustee in the election on May 17. Although I ran unopposed, it matters to me to see that folks want clarity in their local government, and want Bellows Falls to be the place they call home. In addition, I want to let residents know that, as a gesture of good faith in...

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