Amanda Witman

Three years later, moving forward gently

'I'm not feeling functionally traumatized about Covid. But I am feeling a deep well of sadness that I didn't realize was still there'

Three years ago - March 10, 2020 - I sent my girls off to their dad's, knowing it would likely be the last easygoing, normal visit they would have with him for a while.

I was right.

The next day, I made the rounds: co-op, grocery stores, other errands. The town was out doing the same, almost as if we were expecting a major blizzard.

Stock up on the basics. Toilet paper, bleach, hand sanitizer. Rice, beans, eggs. Cocoa, baking supplies, comfort foods. Whatever you can think of. Who knows; maybe we'll be stuck at home for a whole week or two. Get some marshmallows for the cocoa, just in case....

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Power outage disrupts Windham Orchestra concert

The Windham Orchestra hoped that its concert on Sunday would be a memorable one. It was, but not in a way they planned. The orchestra was to perform on the lawn of the Brattleboro Retreat, but rainy weather forced the concert to relocate to the Latchis Theatre. The first...

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