John Darling

Community has really come together

Excellent commentary by John Mack [“A long-term process,” Voices, Sept. 28].

There certainly was a core group of people who went way beyond what normal people would be expected to do: people (like John Mack, and I could name countless others) who worked endless hours every day for free during the emergency. We thank you, one and all.

In addition, there have been few people in the villages, it seems, who haven't pitched in, despite lives that became incredibly complicated and time consuming.

People who couldn't cook or take a shower were shoveling dirt out of neighbors' driveways, painting homemade road-hazard signs, putting up cones and barriers to stop people from driving off cliffs that had previously been roads, and performing an endless number of other tasks. These were people struggling to get by, putting in 12 to 15 hours a day simply to survive, yet still finding a way to help out.

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