It seems serendipitous that, as the Obama administration pushes for a “limited” U.S. war on Syria, one of the most vocal peace activists ever is scheduled to speak in our area.
Cindy Sheehan lost her son Casey to the U.S. war on Iraq in 2004. One year later, Cindy came to international attention as she and her supporters camped out in protest on land adjacent to President Bush's Texas ranch.
We are all weary of war that never seems to end. A few months ago, I saw Cindy speak and, as I looked around the audience members, I was struck by their reaction.
A few thought she was not “analytical,” and she definitely does not fit into a liberal political category. I observed that most, including myself, enthusiastically saw a woman on fire with a passion for ending war - war that killed her son.
Monday, April 15 is Tax Day. Each year, approximately half of the federal income tax goes into a U.S. military that is more and more out of control - sequester or no sequester. As I write this letter, I am looking at a March 22, 2006 news article from...
At this time of year, people are concerned about how their tax dollars are being spent. Vermont teachers are struggling to keep their contracts and jobs in the face of mounting opposition from school supervisory unions that are reluctant to meet the teachers' demands. Undoubtedly, teacher salaries are at...
With the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations now taking place throughout the United States, this seems to be an appropriate time for receptive people to look closely at the example of those who have given much for the advancement of justice and peace. It's coincidental that one of those people, S. Brian Wilson, will be in our area on Oct. 21 to talk about his life, as described in his new memoir, Blood on the Tracks. In his introduction to the...