Louise Luring

Saxtons River Rec Area preps for summer

Community members gathered at the Saxtons River Recreation Area recently to clean up and get everything in order for the upcoming season.

Volunteers raked the grounds, repaired picnic tables, and sorted through many years' accumulation of sports gear, crafts supplies and unidentified lying objects in the storage shed.

Willis “Chip” Stearns III, Rockingham's newly named interim town manager, took charge of moving brush into the compost pile.

Kids even got into the act, pulling grass out of their playground area before helping to spread a small mountain of new sand on it.

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Cub Scouts help clean up Saxtons River Rec Area

Two young Webelos Scouts were among those who turned out recently to help prepare the 15-acre Saxtons River Recreation Area for the summer season. Liam Mallan and Mason Walker of Pack 401 combined doing a good turn with working toward their handyman activity badge by helping repair picnic tables,

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Wednesday soup makers hang up their ladles

Some 11,000 bowls of soup later, Laura Leonard and Nancy Dalzell are hanging up their ladles and doffing their aprons. For the past four winters, the pair prepared and served three soups each Wednesday at the Westminster Congregational Church, welcoming all comers for a simple soup and bread lunch...

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Shelter board offers update, thanks

As the Greater Falls Warming Shelter struggled this fall to open a winter warming shelter in Rockingham, there has been a tremendous outpouring of support for our efforts, from which we take heart. The majority of the people of this region are truly caring. This is evidenced by the fact that more than 60 individuals volunteered at the shelter last year and provided meals for the 50 folks we sheltered. There has been much misinformation and half-information in this and...

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