David Gartenstein

Gartenstein will run for Representative Town Meeting moderator

I will be a candidate to be elected Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting moderator.

A lawyer by trade, I have worked for 17{1/2} years at the Windham County State's Attorney's Office prosecuting serious felony and other cases.

My municipal service in Brattleboro includes:

• six years on Selectboard, with four years as chair...

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Candidate statement: Gartenstein for Brattleboro Selectboard

Serving on Brattleboro's Selectboard has been one of the greatest honors and privileges of my life. Government is a fundamental public trust, and I am humbled to have been elected to represent and work for Brattleboro's citizens in providing oversight and direction for our town. I am running again...

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Larger issues, local control at stake in appeal of Entergy ruling

A lawyer on the Selectboard says state should press forward with effort to decide VY issue here

We don't want Entergy to be producing nuclear power and storing nuclear waste in Vermont: this is the view of many Vermonters (myself included). However, our ability to impact the decision whether Vermont Yankee is going to continue operating appears subject to serious restrictions. Our federalist system of government...

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