BRATTLEBORO-Let me begin by saying that I only have great distaste for the large orange guy and that I pray that he doesn't make America groan again. No, that wasn't a typo.
That being said, what I would like to know is why the hush money incident he is currently in court for doesn't also make the adult film star who received the payment qualify for criminal prosecution herself?
After all, Stormy Daniels accepted money to keep quiet about the whole thing, right? Isn't that tantamount to blackmail? If so, shouldn't she have her time in court as well?
We cannot have another accidental death during a police apprehension. Why not give law enforcement tranquilizer guns? Officers have only split seconds to make a potentially lethal decision. With a tranquilizer gun, they can shoot first and ask questions later. Was that just a shiny object in the suspect's...
There was an item on the radio a few weeks ago from the current administration about a number of ballots that were found floating in a ditch. There was no source given for this information or where these ballots were discovered. I have a completely different experience regarding my...
I have known and worked with Kurt Daims for several years. Although I do not always agree with his positions, I know that he is an activist and gets things done. Among the ideas I do agree with: the budget referendum he put before the Selectboard concerning the high cost of the then-proposed new fire station building, the Clean Air Resolution to demand that the Clean Air Act be put in action here, and the resolution to reverse Citizens United.
The town of Vernon isn't at all interested in turning the Vermont Yankee site into a nature preserve. Its leaders would like to benefit from jobs and taxes brought in by a company or companies occupying that space. Who can blame them? The question is: Do they know the difference of a few millirems of radiation when a nuclear power plant is decommissioned? If the site is “released for industrial use,” the Nuclear Regulatory Commission allows a decontamination of 100...
It's time we recognized all the benefits that we are getting from Vermont Yankee. First, there is the electricity, right? Didn't VY produce two-thirds of Vermont's electricity? Well...VY might have produced it, but they didn't provide it! Vermont Yankee is a merchant plant, selling electricity to the highest bidder, and it certainly didn't all go to Vermont. Why am I speaking in the past tense? Because since March 22, Vermont hasn't been buying any power from Vermont Yankee. Don't believe...
Its time to fill in the blanks and correct some mis-information on the nuclear issue. For instance, a recent writer to this paper affirmed that there were no deaths due to the meltdown at Three Mile Island, and he complained that people were not doing the legwork necessary to get the facts straight [“Getting the facts right: that's the morality,” Letters, May 9]. Apparently, this gentleman is also guilty of not doing his legwork. Three Mile Island was not a...
Recent advertising and resultant commentary has left your readership with the mistaken impression that a meltdown at a nuclear reactor, such as the General Electric-designed Mark I BWR (boiling water reactor) at Vermont Yankee, can only happen with a natural disaster. This impression is absolutely mistaken and should be corrected. Three main technical glitches can lead to a meltdown: a rod drop incident, a loss of coolant accident, or an internal loss of electrical power. It would be wrong to...