Elayne Clift

What are we going to do about the women?

Violence against women is on the rise, including the murder of trans women, rape as a war crime, child marriages, and attempts to deny women’s agency over their bodies

Elayne Clift (elayne-clift.com) has written this column about women, politics, and social issues from the earliest days of this newspaper.

BRATTLEBORO-Back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when agrarian and rural lifestyles gave way to urbanization following the Industrial Revolution, everything changed for women in dramatic ways.

As the late Barbara Ehrenreich pointed out in her important book, For Her Own Good, tenement living left women in despair as a total cultural and economic tidal wave began.

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Where are the state’s priorities?

Vermont declined to sign on to a federal program to provide free or subsidized lunches to more than 20 million children in need of nutritional support. Can a policy decision that reduces child hunger be that hard?

Elayne Clift (elayne-clift.com) has written this column about women, politics, and social issues from the earliest days of this newspaper. Remember the outcry when we realized that prior Republican administrations, national and state, cared about children but only from conception to birth? It's looking like déjà vu all over...

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The time for change is now

More than ever, we need four institutional changes as our government hovers on the brink of disaster

Elayne Clift (elayne-clift.com) has written this column about women, politics, and social issues from the earliest days of this newspaper. As Greek philosopher Heraclitus claimed around 500 BCE, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

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A time of heartbreaking conflict, two views ring true

I am writing to stand with Nancy Braus and Samia Abbass in their respective Viewpoints [Voices, Dec. 20]. The two pieces are related in my view insofar as they express the feelings of both a Jewish woman and an Arab woman at a time of heartbreaking conflict that affects not only Jews and Arabs but all of us. Braus's piece, "For Jews on the Left, a terrible position," speaks to the effect the Middle East catastrophe has had on those...

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We must be prepared to save our democracy

Elayne Clift (elayne-clift.com) has written this column about women, politics, and social issues from the earliest days of this newspaper. Let's get real about the most vital issue Americans face as we slowly march toward our dubious future as a nation. It's not about President Biden's age, which is - annoyingly - center stage. After all, Donald Trump is only three years younger than the president, morbidly obese, and an obvious psychopath. The 2024 race is about one issue and...

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The power of hope

Ever since David Hogg, X González, and other high school student leaders began organizing against gun violence, when their Florida school experienced a massacre in 2018 that killed 17 people and injured 17 more, I've clung to the belief that if we could get to the Parkland generation as political leaders, we just might save our country. I believe that now more than ever. David Hogg is 23 now and a student at Harvard University. It should come as no...

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Israel and Hamas: both guilty of civilian slaughter

Kudos to Kate Casa for calling for historical context and fair and balanced media coverage of the terrible conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. Both Israel and Hamas are guilty of the slaughter of innocent people. We must bear witness to all the brutality occurring in an inconceivable escalation of violence that is killing civilian victims on both sides of the conflict. It's a conflict without end, unless our fading humanity can recognize the human cost of massive...

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A is for ‘absent’

Her name was Shirley Myers, and she was a gift in my life when I needed one. I was in middle school and a loner, unlike most kids that age, because my mother suffered from depression and was hospitalized for long stretches. Ms. Myers was a calm teacher and a gentle soul and, somehow, I started going to her classroom after school to talk with her. It was quietly comforting to be with her, and we formed a bond that...

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