Heidi Mario

A customer is chased back home

‘A man who I assume is the proprietor or manager of the shoe store appeared, wielding a can of what smelled like Lysol. He began spraying the air animatedly in wide arcs a few feet away from me.’

Heidi Mario is an artist.

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Taking Sam’s for granted

BRATTLEBORO-After reading Cara Cheyette's "Voices" piece regarding her dissatisfaction with Sam's, my husband, Michael, commented: "It's like saying 'Well, I thought he was an a**hole' at a funeral." We have a combined history of patronage at Sam's of nearly 75 years - Michael's been a Brattleboro resident for 44...

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Lucy Terry Prince could not have witnessed massacre

Thank you to Shanta Lee Gander for her interesting column regarding Lucy Terry Prince. There does seem to be a some confusion, however, regarding the history behind Prince's poem “Bars Fight.” Ms. Gander states that Prince was a “bearer of witness” of the “famed Deerfield Massacre.” The Deerfield Massacre...

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Attempt at humor: Deprecating, condescending, and downright cruel

First, Eileen Parks [“Requiem for a Dollar Store,” Aug. 22] calls an elderly woman who was momentarily unpleasant in a grocery store a “wrinkled mass of pure uck.” Then, the employees of a small store are derided for being too helpful, and described as “pitifully stinky bums.” I have no idea if Ms. Parks is, or is not, “one of the coolest school librarians ever,” as she's described in her bio, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't want someone...

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Hope she finds happiness

Susie Crowther's piece [“Plan A,” Viewpoint, April 25] puts me in mind of an old story. An old man is sitting at the top of a hill, in view of a small town, when he is approached by a young traveler. The traveler says, “What are the people like down there?” The old man says, “What are the people like where you come from?” “Oh, they are just awful - whiny, selfish, cranky, miserable.” The old man says, “Yep, that...

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