BRATTLEBORO-After reading Cara Cheyette's "Voices" piece regarding her dissatisfaction with Sam's, my husband, Michael, commented: "It's like saying 'Well, I thought he was an a**hole' at a funeral."
We have a combined history of patronage at Sam's of nearly 75 years - Michael's been a Brattleboro resident for 44 years, and I've been here for more than 30 - and we were frequent customers the entirety of that time.
We rarely had any difficulty finding a salesperson to assist - on the contrary, usually an employee would approach us - nor did we experience a salesperson's "visible irritation" at being "interrupted," nor felt we were being "watched like a wannabe thief," nor had any problem whatsoever when we needed to return an item. We at all times found the staff at Sam's to be friendly, helpful, accommodating, and polite.
Why Ms. Cheyette's experience was so different from ours is baffling. However, perhaps the time to have expressed her dismay at the quality of service at Sam's would have been before they so regrettably closed, instead of waiting until it was too late for them to address her perceived issues.
Thank you to Shanta Lee Gander for her interesting column regarding Lucy Terry Prince. There does seem to be a some confusion, however, regarding the history behind Prince's poem “Bars Fight.” Ms. Gander states that Prince was a “bearer of witness” of the “famed Deerfield Massacre.” The Deerfield Massacre...
First, Eileen Parks [“Requiem for a Dollar Store,” Aug. 22] calls an elderly woman who was momentarily unpleasant in a grocery store a “wrinkled mass of pure uck.” Then, the employees of a small store are derided for being too helpful, and described as “pitifully stinky bums.” I have...
Susie Crowther's piece [“Plan A,” Viewpoint, April 25] puts me in mind of an old story. An old man is sitting at the top of a hill, in view of a small town, when he is approached by a young traveler. The traveler says, “What are the people like down there?” The old man says, “What are the people like where you come from?” “Oh, they are just awful - whiny, selfish, cranky, miserable.” The old man says, “Yep, that...