Mike Hebert writes that continuing the emergency planning zone for Vermont Yankee “is unnecessary because the reactor is now empty and cold.”
He is wrong!
Yes, the reactor has been shut down from actively processing uranium to make electricity, but there are still radioactive spent-fuel rods in water storage cooling down at the site. If disrupted by any number of things, these fuel rods could create great damage, including massive radiation exposure to the local community.
Until they are moved into dry storage casks, they remain a very significant danger.
Thanks to Bre Ginty, Erich Kruger, Peter Siegel, and Hal Kuhns who organized the event honoring me, and to Wendy M. Levy for writing such a good article about it. Bre and Hal gave me an award as well as a pot of thyme (to allow me to have...
My husband, Richard Gottlieb, died Feb. 15, 2012 from multiple myeloma, with a secondary (more devastating) soft-tissues disease caused by that bone cancer: amyloidosis, which affected his swallowing mechanism and his heart. The damage to his heart proved fatal when his heart stopped on that day after Valentine's Day.
A number of you have already received correspondence regarding the current status of Friends of Fulflex Field because you generously donated to the project or made pledges to reach our goal. Our goal has been to conserve the land known as the Fulflex Field as an open green space in perpetuity for the continued use, enjoyment, and benefit of the greater community. For approximately 2½ years, we have been diligent in our efforts to reach our goal. After our original...