Anthony Bonello

Supporting the memory of an American hero

“He is an American hero, having given the ultimate sacrifice for his county,” said my son, Robert Bonello. “I want to ensure that Mark Forester is never forgotten.” This is why he is going to Haleyville, Ala., to participate in the Mark Forester Foundation Fundraising Walk on May 19.

The walk is a continuous 31-mile trek in honor of Mark's 31st birthday, which is May 19. Each year, one mile is added to coincide with his birthday.

The foundation has created a scholarship in Mark's name, which is awarded annually to deserving students who exemplify the same character traits and patriotism that were the basis of Mark's life.

My son and Mark first met at Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina. They trained together for two years at Hurlburt Air Force Base in Florida, and their first deployment was to Afghanistan together. They became best friends and shared a lot of the same interests and values. Mark's parents, Pat and Ray Forester, became extended family to Robert.

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Sanders is pandering on opposition to VY

Last month, the usual suspects lined up in protest of Vermont Yankee once again. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and other speakers appeared in Brattleboro and made their typical confident projections that all we need in order to solve our energy problems in Vermont is more zeal for energy efficiency.

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