Alice Callahan

Keeping an open mind about my food

The balance between good business and good health

I grew up on a farm in Kentucky. It wasn't a big farm, but we produced food for our family and for a little extra income. So food and I - we go way back.

One of my earliest memories is of setting strawberry plants for our u-pick business. My parents dropped the starter plants at the correct spacing, and my brother and I followed behind, nesting each plant carefully into freshly prepared ground, patting the soil around the base.

When those plants started to bear fruit, I liked to begin my summer mornings by grabbing a bowl from the kitchen and running out to pick the freshest berries. I ate them with cold milk, and there was nothing like it. Picking strawberries was my first paying job (a nickel per pint, I think).

We always had a huge vegetable garden. I watched my mom pore over seed catalogs while there was still snow on the ground. In spring, she taught me how to make long, straight garden rows using twine and chalk, and I helped her count seeds to drop into holes - just a few inches apart - then cover them gently with dirt.

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