Richard Ewald

Winters: proactive in extending and protecting voting rights

(1)(2)I've known Chris Winters as a friend and colleague since we attended the Vermont Leadership Institute together 15 years ago. He has worked in the Secretary of State's Office for more than two decades and for the past seven years, he has served as deputy secretary of state under Jim Condos.

The way much of the country is heading, we've seen how important it's becoming for secretaries of state to stand up for voting rights. Chris is not only hands-down the most qualified candidate, but he has been proactive in extending and protecting voting rights in Vermont.

We need him now more than ever.


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What happens when you actually judge the president by his actions and deeds?

Those of us who are bewildered that Gerard Cloutier could express such strong support for Donald Trump can look to two contradictory paragraphs in his letter: 1. “Finally, one thing my father taught me - maybe the most important thing - is to judge a man by his actions...

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Broken promise

To replace another span, New Hampshire has forgotten its promise to preserve the Vilas Bridge

The people of New Hampshire - its transportation department, elected representatives, and the citizens who put them in office - are demolishing the Vilas Bridge between Bellows Falls and Walpole by neglect as surely as if they actually were using explosives and wrecking balls. And they are doing it...

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Forest Moon thanks supporters of winter fundraiser

Forest Moon: Celebrating Cancer Survivorship thanks all those who made our recent fundraiser at the Stump Sprouts Lodge and Cross Country Ski Center in Hawley, Mass., a success. Forest Moon lights a path through cancer, but we can't shine that light without lots of help from individual, corporate and foundation supporters. A fresh snowfall overnight and a crisp, bright January afternoon made for excellent trail conditions. And the hearty homemade dinner was a terrific way to relax and share the...

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Local Komen chapter shouldn't suffer consequences

It would be a shame if the controversial actions of a few people in the national leadership of Susan G. Komen for the Cure are allowed to taint the good work of the Vermont/New Hampshire Komen chapter on behalf of cancer survivors in our two states. For the past eight years, our Brattleboro-based nonprofit organization, Forest Moon, has been providing support for cancer survivors and their families in both states in the form of retreats and workshops. Many of our...

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