Greg Moschetti

Mrowicki, Deen not above compromise for better representation

I am writing in support of Mike Mrowicki and David Deen for Windham-4 (Dummerston, Putney, Westminster) representatives to the Vermont House of Representatives.

These two individuals have demonstrated exemplary service to our district and to the state of Vermont.

David's work to protect waterways throughout Vermont has been and will continue to be invaluable. Similarly, Mike's work for Vermont's families and children deserves kudos from all.

Neither of these incumbents is a single-issue candidate, and neither is above compromise - a necessary component for good governance. They listen, they learn, they consult with constituents, and they act accordingly.

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Geothermal: The other solar heat

It was 5 degrees outside when we woke up one morning. Snow devils danced across the field illuminated by early morning winter sunlight. Inside, the blower on our 1980s vintage wood/oil combination furnace was humming away. It was a cozy 68 degrees, our preferred house temperature. Nothing is extraordinary...

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