One of my favorite quotes from Rep. John Moran is: “In a national setting where Congress and the Supreme Court appear to have more respect for the personhood of corporations than women, it is with satisfaction that I can be part of our moving forward in Vermont to create a just balance between work and family, and fairness in employment for men and women alike.”
Examining John's accomplishments and his focus points, one can readily see how his actions support this quote, as he consistently looks for ways to enhance the well-being of all Vermonters.
He has worked on equal pay for women, economic development, increasing the minimum wage, and legislation to help local workers and small businesses. He is gearing up to work on education financing in 2015.
I appreciate his balanced approach, such as with the minimum-wage bill, where he makes the point that “you have to have wages that work for workers and for businesses.”...
Thank you to Matt Dunne for one of the most inspiring speeches I have read in a long time [“Grounds for optimism,” Primary Sources, Sept. 12]. I am glad to be on the Board of Trustees at Marlboro College, and this piece expressed so much of what I see...