BARNET-I'll play my new film Lost Nation at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, at the Bellows Falls Opera House, as a part of the film's Vermont 50-town tour.
The picture is a Revolutionary War–era action drama set in the early upstart Republic of Vermont. It features Vermont founding father and rebel schemer Ethan Allen (Kevin Ryan), who leads resistance to New Yorker land claims, launches an ill-fated attack on British forces in Montreal, and leads invasions by his Green Mountain Boys into New Yorker strongholds of Guilford and Brattleboro.
I'm touring throughout Vermont this summer with my new film, Northern Borders, based on the award-winning novel by Vermont writer Howard Frank Mosher. Northern Borders focuses on 10-year-old Austen Kittredge, who is sent to live with a pair of Vermont grandparents whose thorny marriage is called “the forty years...
After a film is fully shaped and cut, and the director has fully signed off and “locked” the picture, there is still a lot to do to add layers of sound. Some sounds, like those from trucks or cars, are taken from recordings. Others, like steps and door slams,