I urge Vermont senators not to accept the proposed amendment to S.216, which would restrict the ability of medical marijuana patients - who now may grow two mature plants and up to seven immature plants - to the right to grow only two mature plants and four immature plants. The bill would also pare down the ability of medical marijuana patients to possess 2 ounces to 1 ounce.
My husband is a medical marijuana patient. He suffers from two distinct medical conditions that qualify him for a medical marijuana card. He has worked hard and studied hard to locate and grow various strains that relieve his symptoms.
Don't believe that Senator Jeanette White didn't understand that the Senate's marijuana legalization bill got transformed into a sellout to corporate interests. And, yes, we read it - every single version.
RE: “From Vermont family court to judging war criminals” [News, Oct. 10]: “World peace begins at home”: The work of my friend and former colleague, the Hon. Patricia Whalen, epitomizes this saying. Her work at Vermont Legal Aid, in Vermont Family Court, and in the International Court of Justice...