Deborah Wright

Register now, cast vote in general election on Nov. 4

As the general election draws near, I am asking that you register to exercise your right to vote in your community and then make it count by voting your conscience in November.

There are many proactive justices of the peace in Vermont to assist with this painless task if you cannot make it to your town clerk's office.

The recent referendum in Scotland makes it globally clear the importance of defending our freedoms in the United States by voting for those we believe will keep our best interests first and foremost, at every level of government.

Casting your vote proves the pen of democracy mightier than the sword of apathy.

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Politician: Please return stolen signs

The primary is over, but the general election period runs until Nov. 4. Political campaign signs will still dot the roadways until then. As one of those running, I am, however, so popular that seven of mine have now been stolen. Contact me on Facebook at Deborah Wright for...

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Former trustee: Job description reflects diminished expectations

An open letter to the Rockingham Free Public Library: This latest round of deconstruction by the Personnel Committee of the work done by the previous RPFL board, as orchestrated by the four “trustees you can trust” (TYCT), is just one more piece of the mission to reinstate the terminated...

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Place blame for RFPL problems where it belongs

Elayne Clift should put the blame where it belongs: on herself and the few others who interfered with the work of public officials who had no agenda, but were led by the facts to an unhappy but inevitable conclusion. Her interference caused months of disruption, heartache, and unnecessary tax dollars to be wasted. Her entitled behavior belongs at her doorstep.

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Incumbent: What are essential qualities of elected officials

As most people know, there is a vast difference between telling the truth and telling people what they want to hear. In that space, many suppositions lie. For some, hidden agendas are acted out and untruths are spoken. A lack of diligence to the elected position is taken while sitting in the seat, a lack of action and of purpose. This is the pabulum of bureaucracy, of making that sour taste of higher taxes and poor administration go down just...

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BF gets raw deal in letting its police chief serve Rockingham for free

An open letter to the Bellows Falls Village Trustees and the Rockingham Selectboard: Bellows Falls Trustees, you have agreed to just hand over the salaried (at $57,500) chief of the Bellows Falls Police Department, as constable to the Rockingham Selectboard, free of charge, to perform those duties in his free time? And Rockingham Selectboard, you have agreed to accept this constable from the village at zero return to the village? Nice deal, if you can get it, but of what...

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Show your kids that democracy still works

Vermont is unique among the states as still holding a Village/Town Meeting Day. Nowadays, it's followed by a voting day to elect officers and perhaps decide some articles, but do not be confused. Village/Town Meeting Day is not just about talk, it's about money. Your money. I know it can be a drag to go after a hard day of work to a meeting about a budget that's not enacted for another fiscal year. But how much is your hard...

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Violating the spirit, intent of the Open Meeting Law

RE: “We expect better, and so should you” [Editorial, Dec. 12]: Although Assistant Secretary of State Brian Leven was quite right in stating that the event discussed in this piece is not a direct violation of the Open Meeting Law, it should not be dismissed that he also clearly stated that it happens a lot more than we think. It certainly does violate the spirit and intent of the statute if its purpose is to prevent citizen foreknowledge or citizen...

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