Schuyler Gould

With no national repository for spent fuel used in nuclear power plants,  such nuclear waste from the former Vermont Yankee nuclear power station will remain on the site indefinitely.

National nuclear waste policy? It’s very much local.

As long as 56 canisters of high-level nuclear waste remain in Vernon, the national policies that govern this waste will remain at the core of NDCAP’s oversight responsibilities

Schuyler Gould is a board member of Citizens Awareness Network in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, which promotes the safe regulation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants in New England. He is a past president of New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution in Brattleboro.

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The most toxic substance on the planet

Not one ounce of nearly 100,000 tons of high-level radioactive waste has been safely disposed of — and Vermont Yankee’s fuel could be in our backyard in perpetuity

A few additions to Emma Cotton's informative review of the ongoing decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Vernon are in order. Scott State, CEO of NorthStar, the company decommissioning the plant, suggests that the spent fuel at the plant will remain there "as it stands today...

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False choice

With both companies attempting to thwart the regulatory process, Entergy and NorthStar’s inherently weak and incomplete proposal demands scrutiny

New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution (NEC) is dedicated to protecting the environment from the dangers of nuclear radiation, particularly those associated with the nuclear-power industry. These dangers are well documented. Entergy Corporation, a multi-billion-dollar, publicly traded corporation in charge of a fleet of 10 nuclear reactors, has proposed...

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Har! Har! Har!

RE: “After Fukushima, another anniversary” [Letters, March 22]: Ted Jordon is so funny comparing the risk of same-design baseballs to that of same-design nuclear reactors. Har! Har! Har! I'm sure they're rolling on the ground in Fukushima. Well, not their ground; they've been evacuated. Here's another one - this just happened. The power supplying the pumps cooling four of the spent fuel pools at Fukushima failed, and they don't know why! Har! Har! Har! Don't worry about it, they said,

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