BELLOWS FALLS-It's here! Autumn arrived in Vermont on Sept. 22. The leaf peepers are viewing our annual colorful foliage show. The straw people have appeared on lawns and farm stands, looking quite chipper, at least until it rains!
But the autumnal equinox is not so much a line between the seasons as a time of transition. There are still hot days in the 80s with blue skies, or cloudy, chilly weather that definitely feels like fall. Many areas will have frost, and that same spot will have sweltering hot a few days later. Unpredictable at best.
WARDSBORO-A celebration of Vermont's state vegetable takes place on Gilfeather Turnip Day, Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The festival, now in its 22nd year, raises funds for the Trustees of the Wardsboro Library to support ongoing library programs. It is their largest community fundraising event.
NEWFANE-Since 1970, volunteers have made the Newfane Heritage Festival in the heart of this historic village a fall season destination. Once again, people will celebrate community, crafts, and entertainment. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Indigenous People's Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 12...
Grafton firefighters host their fall tag sale GRAFTON - The Grafton Firefighters' Tag Sale, now in its 43rd year of benefiting the local volunteer fire department, has become well-known in southern Vermont for its variety, its quality, and its value. This year's sale takes place on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Sunday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., under the tents near the firehouse at 711 Route 121, just east of Grafton...
TOWNSHEND-The Pumpkin Festival is returning to the Townshend Common on Saturday, Oct. 19, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. "We are thrilled to bring the community together for this year's Pumpkin Festival," Elizabeth Brown, co-chair of the Pumpkin Festival Committee, said in a news release. "It's a wonderful opportunity for families and friends to celebrate the season, enjoy fantastic local talent, and support our local businesses and artisans." This beloved annual event promises a day of family...
PUTNEY-The southern Vermont Empty Bowls steering committee is planning its 21st annual Empty Bowls Dinner - benefitting Foodworks, the region's most heavily utilized food shelf program, operated by Groundworks Collaborative. This year's dinner will be served on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Landmark College in Putney. Diners purchase tickets for the event and select a handmade bowl to keep, crafted by one of many local potters. The menu features soups donated by 14 area restaurants, accompanied...
From my youngest childhood days, I remember foraging for fiddlehead ferns with my Uncle Leonard, a great forager of wild native foods. Heading out to the woods with him and my Aunt Mary was always a treat; she searched for antique bottles around old cellar holes, while he turned his attention to wild foods. In the spring, Uncle Leonard gathered fiddleheads along with the fragrant ramps (wild leeks) that grew in great abundance and, when we were lucky, morel mushrooms.
To prepare the fiddleheads: First, soak your fiddleheads in cold water for 10 minutes and rub off any brown, papery scales with your fingers or a soft cloth. This substance is extremely bitter. Drain, add fresh water, and soak an additional 5 minutes. If the second water is still quite dark and murky, soak them a third time. These prep steps are extremely important, so don't rush the process. Put on some music and putter around with other tasks. It...