GUILFORD-Broad Brook Grange's annual Sugar on Snow Supper will be held Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Broad Brook Community Center in Guilford. The event is a week earlier than usual because Town Meeting has moved to Saturday, March 1.
The meal includes ham, baked beans, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, rolls, doughnuts, and Guilford maple sugar on Guilford snow (which is plentiful this year), and pickles.
There will be three seatings, starting earlier than in previous years, to give diners more time at each seating: 4:30, 5:45, and 7 p.m. At each seating, a half-gallon of Guilford maple syrup will be raffled.
This longtime annual fundraiser helps support the many activities of the Grange, which sponsors Pre-Town Meeting, a community Thanksgiving dinner, this supper, and brunches, as well as Guilford Center Stage productions. The Grange organization also provides Christmas stockings for seniors and a college scholarship.
BRATTLEBORO-Camille Kauffman has been named the University of Vermont (UVM) Extension 4-H educator for Windham and Windsor counties. She will be based in the UVM Extension Office in Brattleboro. In her new role, she plans to connect with the various club leaders, volunteers, and members of all of the...
Kindergarten Information Night rescheduled to March 6 BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro town Kindergarten Information Night, which was postponed due to inclement weather on Feb. 6, has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 6, from 6 to 7 p.m. at Green Street School. Pizza and child care available. An RSVP is...
GUILFORD-Broad Brook Grange will hold the annual Guilford Pre-Town Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 6:30 p.m. The event will be live-streamed on Brattleboro Community Television, but those interested in participating should attend at Broad Brook Community Center. Town Moderator Rick Zamore will facilitate the Feb. 20 session. Town Meeting itself, the "floor meeting," will convene at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 1, at Guilford Central School. Australian balloting will take place on traditional Town Meeting Day, Tuesday, March 4,
Charter Revision Commission meets Feb. 6 BRATTLEBORO - Join Brattleboro's Charter Revision Commission for a discussion on the form of Brattleboro's annual town meeting. This public meeting is scheduled to take place in the Main Reading Room of Brooks Memorial Library on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. For information, contact the Charter Revision Commission at [email protected]. Town Kindergarten Information Night is Feb. 6 BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro town Kindergarten Information Night will be held on Thursday, Feb.
WATERBURY-VT Helplink, Vermont's statewide resource for alcohol and drug use support services, connects with people in Vermont 24/7. For nearly five years, VT Helplink resource specialists have been available by phone and through chat at to provide information and referrals to people seeking substance use information and support services. New this year, VT Helplink supports the option to text "LINK" to 802-565-LINK (5465) - the same number as the live call service - to connect with a resource specialist.
BRATTLEBORO-The Serious Illness Program (SIP) was created by Brattleboro Area Hospice to offer support, solace, and assistance to people going through a life-altering serious illness that may or may not carry a terminal prognosis. Becoming an SIP volunteer offers an opportunity to work with clients who are learning to live and thrive while they adjust to the changes that a serious illness brings. SIP volunteers can help in a variety of ways, for instance, by spending time one-on-one with SIP...
PUTNEY-On Sunday, Feb. 2, from 1 to 4 p.m., the Putney Public Library will kick off a year of activities and programming to celebrate its 20th birthday in the current building on Main Street and to honor two decades of community engagement in this space. The year of celebration will open with a birthday party complete with cake and balloons. And if one cake isn't enough, the library is also hosting a cake contest in which patrons can vote for...