VSECU donates $10,000 to Wilmington Fund VT

WILMINGTON — VSECU, the only statewide credit union for all Vermonters, has donated $10,000 to The Wilmington Fund VT toward helping finish the final phase of a downtown Wilmington project.

The gift will be used to pay for lighting in a newly constructed parking lot and green space in downtown Wilmington. It's part of a matching grant for the Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services grant to the Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce, for a total contribution of $20,000.

The Wilmington Fund VT contributed an additional $5,000 for the parking lot itself.

The project is part of Wilmington's Long Term Community Recovery Plan, created in the wake of Tropical Storm Irene.

Although VSECU, which opened a branch in Brattleboro in 2012, might be new to Southern Vermont, it knows very well the challenges of rebuilding after Irene. The credit union lost its branch in Waterbury to Irene, and had to rebuild an entire new branch facility. It also helped that community focus on residential rebuilding.

According to board members John Gannon and Julie Lineberger, the Wilmington Fund VT has made seven grants totaling $155,000 in support of downtown Wilmington's economic revitalization.

Gannon said the purpose of the grants is to encourage existing businesses to reopen, help new businesses launch and create jobs in Wilmington's historic business center.

According to a press statement, as a result of these grants, five local businesses have opened or are in the process of reopening, including Dot's Restaurant, a downtown landmark.

The project is expected to be completed this summer.

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