
Vermont has no gun problem to fix

This column is a pack of lies.

For one thing, WCAX conceded that Vermont is in no sense “one of the highest rates of gun trafficking in the Northeast.” In fact, that station said exactly the opposite, based on a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms report.

And the rhetoric, like everything GunSenseVT says, is designed to dupe people into believing there are no background checks - which is a lie.

Just as the figure often cited by the advocates of civilian disarmament such as GunSenseVT that “40 percent of guns are sold without a background check” is a lie: that figure is from 1997, a year before the federal instant background check system was initiated.

Don't be fooled. There is no problem here to fix.

Vermont has the third-lowest rate of any “bad thing of gun” in this country.

There is no need to change Vermont law. Vermont law works for Vermont.

This article is written by a hack, a shill for out-of-state interests that oppose Vermont law and tradition and are trying to make you think a problem exists here when it does not.

If you want the facts about GunSenseVT's snake oil about “background checks saving lives” and what their true agenda is, the facts can be found on the Gun Owners of Vermont's Facebook group.

GunSenseVT lies. The facts are in no sense on their side. They refuse, consistently, to engage in debate and discussion.

Don't be fooled. Like the National Organization for Marriage, Operation Rescue, or the Westboro Baptist Church, they are enemies of your rights. They lie, they mislead, they wave bloody shirts and prostitute the dead.

Self defense is a human right like any other.

Look at the facts, and don't be swayed by dishonest, deliberate deception like this.

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