Newfane briefs

Roof fixed, for now

NEWFANE — NEWFANE - The hole in the roof that caused water to drip onto Selectboard member Mike Fitzpatrick's head at a recent board meeting has been fixed.

Asa Goodband made the emergency repair on the town offices, but, as was noted at the May 4 Selectboard meeting, he did not replace the missing and broken slates.

Goodband's firm, A.T. Goodband Company, Inc., of Windham, and Jancewicz and Son, based in Bellows Falls, have both submitted bids for this task.

Testing the air

NEWFANE - The air in the town offices was tested May 6 and 7 as a result of the Selectboard's continuing efforts to address the conditions of the building.

Shannon Meckle, the Selectboard administrative assistant, works in the building and was present during the testing, which was done by Cardno ATC.

“They set up machines that took readings, but we were able to continue working,” Meckle said in an email to The Commons. “We have not received the results yet."

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