
Framing post-VY Brattleboro as an economic hell hole

WEST BRATTLEBORO — I really appreciate the comprehensive balanced approach of this article. It's a good antidote to the piece written a couple of weeks ago by Bruce Parker of Vermont Watchdog, “Economic fallout from closed Vermont Yankee plant to continue for years,” which relies heavily on comments by Dart Everett and is a bit of a propaganda piece. Given Everett's association with the Vermont Energy Partnership, a VY front group, this is understandable.

Nationally, nuclear plants in several states are on the edge of closing for economic reasons. In some of these states the nuke owners are lobbying for big bailouts from ratepayers.

I suspect that the Bruce Parker piece, which appeared in several different national publications, is an effort to say, “If a nuke closes in Illinois or Massachusetts, you'll slide into the economic hell hole that Brattleboro has become.”

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