
Contradance moves to new venue

BRATTLEBORO — The upcoming Brattleboro Contradance will be held Sunday night, Feb. 28, from 7 to 10 p.m., at a new venue, 118 Elliot Street, across from the Central Fire Station. There is street parking, parking behind the building, and parking in the transportation center down the block towards Main Street.

Caller for this contradance is Dugan Murphy. He will be accompanied by the band Hey Day, playing Irish-Cajun Swamp Contra music. Musicians are Shirley White (fiddle), Jonathan Larkin (accordion), Amy Larkin, and George White (guitar). All are welcome. Adults are $10, College students (with ID) are $8 and youth through high school are $5. For more details, visit or call 802-258-1723.

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