
Stop settling for lack of leadership

Gulf oil spill points out need for new energy measures, candidate says

WILMINGTON — The federal government is squandering the Gulf oil spill crisis. Entrenched Democratic Party leaders such as Senator Leahy appear willing to settle for “management” without firm “leadership.” Is the explanation conflict of interest, “old-school” out-of-touch thinking, or lack of vision?

The acute needs are to stop gushing oil, capture spilled oil, clean and rehabilitate the Gulf, compensate appropriately, investigate, inspect other rigs, optimize regulations, and hold those responsible accountable.

The subacute needs are for the administration and congressional majority to reverse their premature support for expansion of offshore drilling (and nuclear power). At the very least, we must have an indefinite hold, and Judge Brown's injunction should be appealed.

The chronic, more fundamental issues need leadership to rectify. Our energy/environment system is not working for us. Most scientists agree that greenhouse gases, due to human carbon emitting activities and deforestation, are the cause of global climate disruption. For doubters, even a 1-percent chance that the story is true should cause alarm.

Security hawks should be alarmed by our foreign dependence and consequent energy insecurity and our funding of both sides of the war via oil revenue.

Fiscal conservatives should be bothered by the hundreds of billions of dollars handed to unfriendly regimes and by effects on our balance-of-trade, national debt, infrastructure, and employment. And for quality-of-life junkies, traffic, noise, sprawl, pollution, and cost should cause alarm.

Our leaders should lead and squarely and comprehensively confront this existential, security, economic, and quality-of-life threat. Their top priority should be transformational legislation to convert our economy to one based on clean, renewable, reliable, and abundant non-carbon based energy - sprinting, not walking.

It is us or them.

As a patriot, I prefer we lead the world rather than follow or sit on the sidelines watching. The world is waiting. And as a patriot desiring to optimally support the troops, I want to cripple the enemy's economic base.

Republicans must be co-opted to the cause, as transformational reform will not occur until they are on board. They must be reminded about energy insecurity and that being environmental is “red, white, and blue” (patriotic), not just “green” (Thomas Friedman).

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So, what needs to be done?

• First, we must establish a legal limit for oil importation (15 years).

• Second, establish a legal limit for fossil-fuel use (20 years).

• Third, cancel fossil-fuel subsidies.

• Fourth, incentivize conversion with a fair carbon tax.

• Fifth, enact strict mandates, subsidies, and penalties for fuel efficiency and alternative energy for automobile and appliance manufacturers, oil companies, and utilities - partially funded via carbon-tax revenue.

• Sixth, enact tax deductions and penalties to incentivize smart building development and design.

• Seventh, invest massively in mass transit and inter-city rail.

• Eighth, like the “Buy American” campaign, implement a “Support the Troops, Cut Oil” campaign.

Imagine such a rejuvenation of America: millions of new jobs in manufacturing, building, installation, plumbers, electricians, engineers, educators, and scientists. Imagine a sense of purpose, leadership, and moral certitude. Imagine entrepreneurial, investment, and innovation opportunities.

Senator Leahy, I hope you are reading this.

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