
We stopped RyanTrumpcare

PUTNEY — The recent defeat of the cruel and hastily crafted health care bill was not solely due to the incompetence and venal nature of the party in power.

I have listened to the corporate media, and it would be easy to miss the tens of thousands of people - probably millions - who called their representatives or attended town meetings to speak out.

The numbers were startling. Republican Tom Cole of Oklahoma cited calls running 1,000-to-1 opposed to this bill!

If we had been organized when the original flawed Obamacare bill passed, maybe we would have at least a public option right now!

Let's keep up the pressure. Nothing Republicans Paul Ryan and Donald Trump have tried to do so far has been acceptable, and I doubt they will be moving toward just and moral legislating anytime soon.

Congratulations to all of us - we stopped and buried RyanTrumpcare!

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