WILMINGTON — I thank you for bringing to my attention the anti-Semitic action of Ben & Jerry's. This product will no longer be allowed in my house.
This sort of surprised me, as your paper is usually not very revealing of anti-Jewish actions.
Michael Gigante, Ph.D. notes: "This is a piece I wrote after the first Trump election...
ATHENS-A group of morally confused Brattleboro citizens have petitioned onto the March 4 Town Meeting...
DUMMERSTON-Dear Gov. Scott, You enjoy a broad, bipartisan base of support here in Vermont, elected...
The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Committee submitted recommended funding for human services nonprofits...
Out of the gate at the Sept. 12 public forum at Brooks Memorial Library, Assistant Town Manager Patrick Moreland surprised some by recommending the Selectboard choose a fire-based EMS service for the town - a move supported by the 10 other town staff members present, each speaking in favor of it. "I believe we have a fantastic opportunity in the municipal model," Moreland said. He continued to note that after reviewing the Request for Proposal (RFP) responses from American Medical...
Meg Mott, a longtime Marlboro College professor of political science, serves as Putney's town moderator and describes herself as a "Constitution wrangler." Democracy has a lot to recommend it: all those opportunities to participate in the governing process, to consider public matters with your neighbors in Town Meeting or with elected representatives in Congress. Unlike a monarchy, with a single person in charge, or an aristocracy, with a few elites in charge, a democracy gives ordinary citizens the chance to...
William “Bill” Forchion will take viewers on a philosophical and spiritual journey in “Spirit Dance: A conversation with the ancestors” in Episode 4 of SOLOs, a co-production of the Hooker-Dunham Theater and the Rock River Players. Forchion's work premieres on Friday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. on YouTube and Brattleboro Community Television (channel 8/1075) with a discussion immediately following at 8:25 p.m. via Zoom. The link to the YouTube premiere is bit.ly/598-solos. To get the Zoom invitation, email [email protected]. Information...
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