Marvin Resnikoff is an international consultant on radioactive waste issues. A nuclear physicist and a...
ROCKINGHAM-I am concerned and dismayed over the recent decision by the management of North Star...
BRATTLEBORO-Denise Gebroe is correct that the issues motivating the No Surveillance in Health Care campaign...
LEYDEN, MASS.-In response to Holland Mills' recent letter, it's essential to address significant omissions and...
“When my grandfather, whom we called John, went deer hunting, he wore his simple plaid jacket, carried his Winchester rifle from the 1940s and went out to the woods at sun up. He walked patiently all day, and came back when it was dark,” says native Brattleborian Michael Fairchild, now 59, who spent part of his youth growing up on Marlboro Avenue, the backyard to Oak Grove School. “He taught me patience. For a young boy, that's a wonderful skill...
The majority of Vermont voters has elected a moderate-Republican nice guy to be governor four times in a row. They are about to do it again. Brian Dubie is a moderate-Republican nice guy, with lots of family connections and party support across the state. We don't see much of him here in the southland, but he is well-known and -liked in Vermont. Unless there is a really good reason not to, the majority of voters will elect him governor. The...
Wet felting is the topic of a free workshop to be offered at Main Street Arts on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lorna McMaster and Liz Guzynski will lead the workshop, which is an introduction to the type of fiber work that will decorate set and costumes in MSA's production of The Secret Garden, opening Oct. 24 at the Bellows Falls Opera House. A follow-up workshop will be held in late September. Workshop participants will learn...
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