BRATTLEBORO — Thank you for having ears for this story, and the wherewithal to share it with us all.
We are headed into what seems to be a hard winter in a land of hard winters. We have to talk about the homeless in our midst.
And do something.
Cal Glover-Wessel grew up in Brattleboro and lives here again after a few years of...
PUTNEY-I am grateful to call Bex Slattery a colleague, blessed to call her a friend,
WILMINGTON-As a former Vernon resident (and one dying to move back there!) I wholeheartedly endorse...
BRATTLEBORO-Oscar Heller is my choice for the three-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard. As a...
Following futile proposals for further state funding and a public rebuke by a state official holding the pursestrings, the Brattleboro Retreat's board of trustees has voted to begin the process of closing or selling the psychiatric hospital that has been part of the region's landscape since 1834. Louis Josephson, the Retreat's president and CEO, called the scenario “the last and worst option.” Despite a letter to Secretary of Human Services Mike Smith that presented the decision as a fait accompli,
BELLOWS FALLS-I am a constituent of Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, and I have worked with her on housing advocacy and the state mushroom bill. Michelle is extremely active in community events, and her specialty is teaching and involving youth about our state government. She has made frequent visits to my child's school where she got him and other middle school students to participate in the process of giving Vermont a state mushroom. Michelle taught the children the process of creating a...
Three students from Windham County will travel to the Barre Opera House on March 9 to compete in the 2016 Vermont Poetry Out Loud State Competition. These young people will meet students from other Vermont high schools to vie for the State Championship in the national poetry recitation competition. The state winner will compete in the National Competition in Washington, D.C., in May. “The Poetry Out Loud program not only connects students to an incredibly diverse literary heritage, it fosters...
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P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.