Town and Village

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church plans annual tag sale

BRATTLEBORO-St. Michael's Episcopal Church hosts its annual Terrific Tag Sale, which has been taking place annually since 1993 (excepting the pandemic year of 2020) at St. Michael's on 16 Bradley Ave. on Saturday, May 4, 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m.

This year, the proceeds from the sale will benefit Loaves and Fishes, Brattleboro's community meals program whose mission and work is "to feed anyone who is hungry and food insecure."

Loaves and Fishes, located in Centre Congregational Church in Brattleboro, is a nonprofit committed to providing food, both as prepared meals and as groceries, for anyone who needs it, free of charge.

Twice a week, approximately 20 local volunteers prepare, serve, package, and deliver more than 350 hot meals and 60–75 bags of groceries to area people in their homes, in hospice care, in senior housing, in shelters or transitional housing, or who show up at the Loaves and Fishes door on Tuesday and Friday mornings.

Tag Sale coordinator Liz Vick said in a news release that the event offers a vast array of good-quality items: summer and winter clothing and shoes for young and old; dishes, pots and pans, and other housewares; lamps, furniture, and beautiful linens for bed and bath; plus good books, jewelry, and sporting goods.

"Displays of various goods will be both downstairs in the church building and outdoors under big tents," she says. "We will be selling some items (furniture, sporting goods, and jewelry) at set prices, and everything else will be available on a 'take what you need, give what you can' basis with requests for financial donations to benefit Loaves and Fishes."

Additionally, delicious homemade soups, grilled hotdogs, and baked goods will be for sale at reasonable prices at the Tag Sale Café.

"Enjoy the festive atmosphere, eat some good food, and feel great that you are also supporting the amazing work of Loaves and Fishes," says Vick.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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